Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bible Belt conservatives--Will they ever smarten up?

I mean no disrespect for those of you who live in "red" states in the BB. I know it's only an illusion that every citizen who lives in the south is a cretin or idiot with creationism in his head and moonshine on his breath. I know this because I have a lot of friends in the south, and I am only talking about conservatives who AREN'T capable of understanding some of the major problems in our society at this time.

But out of the whole country, there are more southern states with evangelicals and fundies, who homeschool for religious reasons, who are very nasty when it comes to intolerance, who don't believe or understand evolution, whose schools are among the worst education in the country--and the world, and who have more guns on their brains than good sense.

I admit--I was born and raised in Boston, so I really don't have the ability to understand how some of these things came about. I might have been raised a catholic, but I consciously left the church in my teens, and I went to a college prep high school for gifted kids. So it's difficult for me to understand some of these things to begin with.

What amazes me, though, is how filled with pride some of these people can be about their ignorance, intolerance and religious beliefs, and how so many of them simply eschew education and someone with a brain for president.

I know this hasn't always been true. It seems to me it began about 30-40 years ago, but I'm sure it's been longer. There doesn't seem to me that any of these prideful people can understand how it's their attitude which is ruining our country by not voting for someone who can help heal some of the greatest wounds we've ever received. I remember when idiot 43 was elected how many of these people said he was a "regular" guy who you could sit down and have a beer with, unlike "Mr. Stodgy" who was so "arrogant" and "elitist." And then so many of them vote strictly on the basis of a single issue--and against their own best interests--without taking into account that a single issue is bullshit as compared to the rest of the things a president has to contend with. Do these people know that because of themselves, their children might never be able to get Social Security if the Pukes take away more money from the social safety nets? Do they know that their kids could get more educational grants and future jobs if their science and math skills, as well as all their other skills, were improved? Do they realize that Dems aren't against gun ownership, only for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership? How can so many of them be wishing their children fail when and where it counts most, and that so many of those kids are failing because of their parents' deliberate sabotage of the educational agenda?

Like I said, I know a lot of southerners who are intelligent, well educated, with promising gifts in many different areas. But I look at the average, undereducated person who is denying that they are undereducated or non-educated, and I get uneasy, because it seems obvious to me that we used to have an electoral college for the very reason that in the 18th century there were many citizens who didn't have the same access to schooling or who weren't informed as much about current affairs or unable to make informed decisions.

Are we going back to that kind of a world again? If people like the Kochs had their way, the US would once again be able to divide the populus into a two class system, and those at the high end would be well educated, and poor families would have to once again teach their kids by lamplight or the light of the fireplace. Only nowadays, at least they'd be taught with the dim light of a computer tablet, all made in industrial China, which would be the next booming super power.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Confront and Dissent

How many of us, in an effort to be polite, have kept their mouths closed when they have been verbally asaulted by s bigot from the religious right? How many of us have tried to remain neutral when a discussion breaks out on the topics of religious freedom, the discussions on evolution vs creationism, and pretty much everything or anything that creates a social issue?

It's time for us to stop. It's time for us to make our opinions known, and loud and clearly.

These groups on the extreme right have big mouths, and they use them. It's why we always hear news about them, because they don't know when to shut the fuck up.

We've got our own opinions, and HAVE for a long time. But while we often sit meekly by, watching them take the spotlight, they have gotten to be out of hand, and therefore get the attention, the benefits, and the "glory" of being heard.

When are we going to change? We can't remain in the current situation for much longer, we hear about all these puppets kowtowing to the Catholic bishops, the rest of the religious right, giving them silent signal that there should be more of the church in the government, more restrictions on those who are not of the same faith, and a firm foothold on matters that should only be secular.

The squeaky wheel is the one who gets the oil, and it's time that squeaky wheel become quiet, as all of us "wheels" need oil too.

I call it "confront and dissent." It's time for a revolution to come to the citizens of this country, and not only speak up, but shout out our displeasure at the way things have been happening. And it all begins with us.

I've kept silent in the past, even wheen it made me feel uneasy. I've watched all these people who aren't real "Xtians" try to regulate anything I think, my choices for my own body or partner, and I've watched them get smug, arrogant and vicious. And every single day we let them get away with it, we further their causes.

We just need to be proficient in how we retaliate.

Investigate common memes. Learn the truth about their lies. Who was it, Bush or Obama, who graciously bailed out the banks, the car companies and other institutions, and make sure you bring up citations as proof. Learn the facts about the whole "Xtian nation" shit, and again have the proof. Learn about evolution, and why it's called a "theory." Learn about climate change, who still insists that it's fake, and how we've proven it's real. Learn about the real achievements and philosophy of people like Jesus Christ, Gandhi. Mohammed, Buddha, and heroes and villains of other religious groups. Learn the truth about things like the "In God We Trust" on currency, and the inclusions of "under God" in the pledge of allegiance.

If we all strive to make the truth known, including any and all arguments against the memes of the right wing nuts, the whackadoodles who are trying to smother our country and take away any and all our civil rights, we can maybe change our country for the better.

Look at your own state's elected officials, get as acquainted as you possibly can, and have that knowledge as a weapon when some right-winger tries to argue with you or others as to why their choice is best. Make sure you can carry facts around in your heads to use when necessary. Be progressive at the same time--give the names of those you admire and why they are the only possible candidate for the circumstances. Learn about your representatives, who they are, and who they were. Are they good or bad? Do they deserve re-election, or are they among the brainwashed idiots of the right?

Learn about city, state and federal law, look up laws they've enacted, at those they have proposed, and why they were right or why they were wrong.

It shouldn't be a task--it should be refreshing! It should be invigorating! It could be the catalyst for someone who isn't exactly sure what they need in a political candidate, or a law passed.

They WILL argue with you. That goes without saying. They have been conditioned for over 40 years to reject morality and freedom, and agree with repukes. They need to understand the truth about the coercion of the brainwashed masses to the right, and the ideology of the much maligned left. They see a man getting a blow job in the White House, but they can't see Gingrich screwing his mistress while his wife is stricken with cancer and in a hospital. They can't see the Secretary of State committing voter fraud. They can't see the pain, misery and often deaths of those who have been abused, raped, and denied care. They can't see the brutality and force of someone who tries to control all those around them, bu making it impossible for anyone to escape.

We all hear the loud cries of "persecution" whenever someone tries to correct a situation, making many of us fall in line just because we don't want to stand out from the crowd and change things. We know we live under oppression, and yet we don't and won't speak up.

It's time to stand up, confront and dissent. If we don't, change will never happen, because we refuse to rock the boat. Just picture that boat and imagine later down the line when nutcases take countrol of that boat and bark their own demands on who lives and who dies. I'd rather fight to the very end than allow myself to be controlled by others in any crucial situation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Let us count the Democrat ways:

Gone are Ghadaffi, bin Laden, Mubarak, Kim Dong Il, and several other despots.

We have seen our own government struggle, with Tea Party politics, GOP pretenders to the throne, and conservative morals that go bang in the night.

We have seen Democratic leaders pressured to give up their posts, with concervative vitriol at an alltime high. We have seen good people go down and not get up again. We have seen the growth of a new, progressive netowrk, railing against the evils of Republicans.

We have seen the birth of the "99%"--an effort to bring people together, to curtail the greed and power of the 1% richest people and corporations in the country. We have seen the movement grow, wane, and enter the public consciousness.

We have seen the fall of influence with some, like Rupert Murdoch, and the rise of others. We have brought the tradition of protest back to the fore, and public awareness has increased.

We have seen some of our own pass away: Warren Christopher, Geraldine Ferraro, Fred Shuttlesworth, William Donald Schaefer, Sargent Shriver, John Shalikashvili, Charles Manatt, Sidney Harman, Richard Holbrooke, and Dorothy Rodham, Hillary Clinton's mother.

Whatever we hope for in 2012, we will still see the deaths of many--far too many, for political reasons and power struggles.

But we can still hope, as we do every year, for less death, for more fulfilled promises, for a time of peace.

We can disagree with our political opposites, but finding a single, clear focus of a bi-partisan goal might still be possible, if we can clarify what almost all of us want in the end.

Goodbye to all that other stuff--let's take a go at a new year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

About Christmas. ...

I've lately been seeing some advertising, though I'm sure it's been around for awhile, that proclaims "Jesus is the reason for the season."

Okay, so here's where I am going to rant.

I don't agree--at all.

To begin with, historically, the holiday being celebrated at this time of year was NOT the birth of someone named Jesus, it was a mesh of druid/wiccan/pagan holidays for the Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, and who knows-what-else-was-thrown-in. Christians turned to those festivities to reel in the pagans and convert them.

There are a lot more non-Xtians in the country now that don't view Xmas as anything other than a celebratory time to get together with friends and family, and have a good time. And it is offensive to most of those people that Xtians try to make it into "their" holiday.

Children of people who follow no religion shouldn't have to be left out. AFAIC, Xmas stopped being about religion even before I was born, and we're talking over 50 years ago now.

The point is, Xmas is NOT just about the Xtian religious traditions. Hell, if they wanted to truly celebrate the exact day during the year that their savior was born, they would do the research and figure it out.

Let the REST of us have our own reasons to enjoy the last week in December, for whatever reason we decide to celebrate. And for those who would bitterly complain, too bad. It's not your "holy day," and in fact, never really has been.

Friday, December 9, 2011

We've all heard of racism

tourism, escapism, ageism and the like, but I have a new one: weightism.

I'm sick and tired of having doctors tell me that all my medical problems are connected to my weight. While I know some things are directly related, I also know that nothing is ever so clearly cut and dried.

There are thousands of people who are overweight that are in perfectly healthy condition, and there are thinner people who have horrible health.

I'm tired of going to doctors who like to point out my weight is the chief obstacle in front (and back) of me, and not consider any further discussion on the subject.

A long time ago, a thin friend and I had the same problem with our knees. We both ended up seeing a doctor for it.

I got an earful from an asshole who did nothing for me other than yelling at me for being overweight, and she got a knee brace, attention and a follow-up plan.

If that isn't "weightism," I don't know what it is.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

So. Somehow or another, you've become ruler of the world. It's been pretty much bloodless, and you can do anything you want with these new found powers.

For myself, I would do away with certain people in some way or another--the main ones being Norquist, Cheney, and Rove in the political arena, with Dobson and Tony Perkins on the religious side. I wouldn't kill them, just completely make them irrelevant somehow.

I would also get rid of some people like the Koch brothers by putting them into epic bankruptcy, taking away their money and influence. I'd make them poor enough to even perhaps apply for welfare!!

I'd punish poachers by meting out to them the same fate that they plan for animals.

I'd reduce war to a point where there is one individual against another, in a boxing ring. Winner surrenders, no one killed.

I'd cut down the overpopulation of cats, dogs and other pets, eventually doing away with the euthanasia of animals for this and other reasons. Animals that are born will get loving and forever homes, and all lost pets would find homes with loving and responsible owners. For those poor animals that have no homes and no hope, I would make sure that they found homes or shelter and food. I'd also make sure that those who harmed animals deliberately would be given stiff sentences, to the point where torturing and killing an animal would result in punishment nearly comparable with the same sentence as for harming a human. No animals of any kind would be used in labs for any reason--new computer tools would be able to do even more for any kind of testing needed.

People in third world countries would be educated, and learn how to deal with such things with engineering, chemistry, physics, etc., so that they could help themselves. Outlaws and dictators would be defeated, and honest people would be elected to democratic governments.

Banks would be nationalized, and the financial institutions would be strictly regulated. No multi-million dollar bonuses for executives ever again. No tax breaks for anyone, especially those making over $250,000. They would pay a very strict 39%, with no loopholes at all. The same as everyone else. Anyone making under $25,000 would not pay taxes at all.

I get very upset with some things which some people might consider irrelevant, like those commercials on TV for reverse mortgages. These commercials never say during the commercials anything about your home being owned by the bank when you get the money. For this reason, I want ALL commercials to make sure the public knows EVERYTHING about the product, including revealing things which will ensure complete discovery of the fine print.

Corporations will lose their "person-hood" and will have some restrictions on them. If they are incorporated outside the US, they will be forced to pay a tariff tax equal to the amount (or more) they would be paying as a tax as if they were a US company. In addition, new laws will make it impossible to contribute more than $2500 to ANY candidate, and all PACs and lobbyists will have the same restrictions, making it nearly impossible for anyone to influence members of Congress with gifts or money.

I've been thinking about this stuff for a long time, notes for a potential novel down the line. But I'd love to hear what others have to add as well--it's always a great way to discuss points of view that way!

More on my megalomania ideas will come.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Karl Rove--asshole

This is in respoinse to a Huffpost article on Karl Rove. What a miserable bastard he is. As usual, he pretends to know the "mood" of the country better than most, when in fact, he is a nastys asshole who should be put in Gitmo, as an enemy of this country. What I wouldn't do to see that happen.

Karl Rove needs to get lost--perm­anently. He's a vicious provocateu­r who is willing to slander anyone who gets in his way--we've seen his repeated influence over and over again, and he needs to stop meddling in the politics of this country. What an ass.

Is he right? I don't know. What I DO know, is that it's plainly obvious that not one single candidate on the right is made of presidenti­al "stuff" and shows the complete lack of crednetial­s, trustwirth­iness and ability to run this country. This has been the case since the neginning of the millennia-­-if anyone wants to say GWB possessed the skills needed to run the United States, they need only look at the godawful mess this country was in before President Obama assumed office.Onl­y a deaf, dumb or blind man would think that this country has benefitted from a Repub president.

Karl needs to get the hell out of the kingmaking business--­he just doesn't belong there, and should reture to some island with no phones, no PDA, no computer and no political apparatus. He can have a pencil and paper so he can write up his political manifesto for the world to read--no sane person would ever give him the time of day anymore.

Go away, Karl Rove. You're a menace to society.