Saturday, December 18, 2010


A question: why are so many alcoholics so goddamned selfish? It's always about "me, me, me," and no one else. They act like martyrs when they're the ones who are acting like assholes, and if you don't immediately give in to their demands, too fucking bad...for you.

And even when you discount all of that emotional baggage, they track on a different one--the one where they act out like children because they never learned how to grow up and take on responsibility. Their level of maturity is about equal to the proof of their favorite libation.

I have reached the end of my tolerance level when it comes to these crybabies. And I wish I knew how to change things to make everything better, but that's just my inner child trying to smack me upside the head and know that, for the most part, the only solution is to get rid of them from your life. Wish I could.

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