Friday, December 9, 2011

We've all heard of racism

tourism, escapism, ageism and the like, but I have a new one: weightism.

I'm sick and tired of having doctors tell me that all my medical problems are connected to my weight. While I know some things are directly related, I also know that nothing is ever so clearly cut and dried.

There are thousands of people who are overweight that are in perfectly healthy condition, and there are thinner people who have horrible health.

I'm tired of going to doctors who like to point out my weight is the chief obstacle in front (and back) of me, and not consider any further discussion on the subject.

A long time ago, a thin friend and I had the same problem with our knees. We both ended up seeing a doctor for it.

I got an earful from an asshole who did nothing for me other than yelling at me for being overweight, and she got a knee brace, attention and a follow-up plan.

If that isn't "weightism," I don't know what it is.

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